Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

My Sketch : Planet Concept

 Pic :  Ventside Forest

Pic : List of Organisms in the Ventside Forest

Planet Concept 1

Hari ini, karena saya sedang bosan, saya membuat suatu konsep. Konsep tersebut terinsipirasi dari salah satu game yang dimainkan beberapa minggu yang lalu. Konsep ini belum sempurna karena memang belum
di edit lagi, harap dimaklumi. Silahkan membaca.

Planet C55708 or Eygranaskadonov ( In native language ) is a planet located in a solar system far away from Sol. It takes 2 months of travel for the fastest spaceship to get there. The solar system contains a star, 3 planet located near the star, a gas giant, an asteroid belt, and an ice planet. Recently, a scan on the ice planet’s surface reveals that there is an ocean beneath the thin layer of ice.

After it is consindered by many scientists, a satellite containing probes is launched there. As the satellite uses the latest technologies, the travel time is reduced to only a month. Few days ago, the satellite reached the solar system. The probe is soon deployed after the satellite reaches the planet.

The probes survives the atmospheric entry and manages to enter the ocean below. The probes collected samples of the water near the hydrothermal vents and reveals that there is indeed some microorganisms that thrives there.

However, life do comes in many sizes in the planet. There appears to be something the size of a whale that swallows a probe that travelled too far away. The satellite soon sends a command to the probe to stop exploring the vents and to venture throughout the ocean.

One of the probes discovers that in the equatorial region of the planet, there is no layer of ice. Even a continent appears to exist there. It is now known that a change in the star size causes enough heat to melt the equatorial region. The change also appears to destroy a planet located very close to the star.

Meanwhile, another probe finds a large field of multicellular organisms that is similar to tube worms in the hydrothermal vents. It is soon concluded that the “tube worms” takes the role of autotrophic organisms in the planet.

The probe later finds a large herd of crab-like animals that feed exclusively on the “trunk” of the autotroph. This leaves the “leaf” part untouched. However, the probe finds a light source nearby. It was apparently, a massive group of manatee-like animals. It eats the “leaf” by cutting them using small appendages near their mouth. The manatee-like organisms appears to lack eye. Instead, it communicates using bioluminescence. Instead of ears, the herbivore have rows of “lumps” in their back that they use as an audio receptor.

Somehow, both herds starts to swim away. A pod of a sleek, shark-like animals smaller than the “manatees” appears. An individual that appears to be the leader flashes his bioluminescence  organs in a certain order. The other individuals replies. The pod soon moves toward a “manatee” that is left behind.

The pod then splits, confusing the prey. The leader then open it’s “jaw”. The “jaw” appears to be flexible, similar to a snake. The pod soon clamps into the “manatee”’s gill-like organ. Within few minutes of struggle, the prey dies.

However, a larger predator wanted the prey for itself. The unknown animal suddenly uses it’s tongue-like appendage at the pod leader. The pod flees as the predator kills the leader. The probe disguises itself and manages to take a sample of the predator’s tongue liquid. It appears that the tongue is actually an appendage to poison other organisms.

Meanwhile, another probe finds a far large “underwater forest” in the equatorial region. The forest is different as it’s composed of photosynthetic organisms. The probe also found a herd of bizzare aquatic organisms that have a niche similar to a sauropod’s. Nearby the herd, a gigantic filter-feeder can be seen resting. It is revealed that the animal that accidentally ate the probe was the filter-feeder. A brown animal appears to rest in the branch. It appears to stare at the probe as if it was just another organism. Thinking that it was a sophont, the probe shows a hologramic message. Because of the mistake, the animal captures the probe and destroys it.

And so the days of exploration continues. The animals in the planet appears to be bizzare, yet their niches are quite similar to terran niches. From dinosaurian analogues to platypus and camel analogues, hundreds of new animals are discovered by the probes. However, there is one certain thing. There appears to be no sophont.

That is, until a probe discovers that the weird mounds of materials are actually an underwater city. The satellites then re-assigns the probes to venture deeper into the underwater city. There is one problem for sure, the scientists can’t be entirely sure how to made the first contact to work well…

( Viewpoint changes)

I’m now searching for interesting articles in one of the most reliable data resource in this planet. The news are still usual. Most of them are about land colonization, and that a complete fossil of an extinct order of animals are found. Just that, it’s a boring day isn’t it.

I then searches in the search engine for sophont concepts. Nothing appears to be weird. They appears to be just like us with few differences. I mean, is there something quite bizzare like a four-limbed organisms that communicates using weird appendages, and that their appearance is so weird, that even our language can’t exactly describe them.

I then saw that there appears to be some round metal object in the zoo.Yeah right, probably some of the more common hoaxes. However, a video of it shows that it tries to communicate with an animal said to have high intelligence, almost a sophont. The hologram shown also appears to have a bizzare planet, and that the sophont on it have a uncomprehensible form.

Suddenly, there was a small earthquake. I walked away from my house and found that a “spaceship” lands in the neighbour’s house. More “spaceship” can be found through all cities in the world, and it was apparently on the news too. I then approaches the hologram and saw the sophont’s information.

(Viewpoint changes)

An unmanned submarine manages to do the first contact. However, it causes the sophonts to be scared. There appears to be enough information for the mission to be finished. Soon, the mission is finished and there were no humans or any human tools left behind. However, one questions remains. What if, instead of humans exploring the planet, we have the sophonts doing so to Earth.

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Lebih Awal Dari Archaeopteryx ?

Baru-baru ini ditemukan dinosaurus baru dari China. Dinosaurus tersebut hanya berukuran 30 cm.
Dinosaurus tersebut dinamai Eosinopteryx. Meskipun berbulu dan terlihat seperti burung, dinosaurus
tersebut tidak dapat terbang. Alasannya karena ukuran sayap dan struktur tulangnya.
Alasan penemuan tersebut menarik adalah bukan karena binatang tersebut merupakan burung pertama, namun karena binatang tersebut adalah salah satu dinosaurus berbulu pertama.
Lebih menariknya, dinosaurus tersebut merupakan troodont, kelompok dinosaurus yang
biasanya ditemukan pada periode Cretaceous.

Untuk membaca lebih lanjut, bacalah link tersebut : Klik !

Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Mind Blown : Fakta-Fakta Yang Menarik dan Mengejutkan

Karena lagi bosan pada saat liburan, aku mulai browsing mengenai fakta-fakta yang unik. Ternyata, ada beberapa website yang menampilkan beberapa fakta yang menarik. Berikut contohnya :

Kentut selama 6 tahun 9 bulan memiliki energi yang sama dengan ledakan bom atom
Source : Thumbpress
Ketakutan terhadap bebek dinamakan Anatidaephobia
Source : Thumbpress
Total jumlah ludah yang dikeluarkan orang dalam hidupnya dapat mengisi 2 kolam  renang
Source : Thumbpress
Piramida di Giza aslinya berwarna putih karena pernah ditutupi kapur yang sekarang sudah hilang.
Source Thumbpress

HP pada umumnya memilik bakteri lebih banyak dari kursi toilet
Source : Thumbpress
Jeruk adalah rasa favorit ketiga di dunia setelah coklat dan vanilla
Source : Thumbpress
Jika anda mau melihat lebih lanjut, maka aku sarankan untuk membuka beberapa link dibawah ini.

                                                                  Link 1
                                                                  Link 2
                                                                  Link 3
Jangan lupa untuk melihat post berikutnya mengenai berbagai foto-foto binatang.
Selamat Liburan >_<

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Libur :D

Waktu liburan akhirnya datang juga. Akhirnya perasaan galau dapat terobati karena puas pada saat libur.
Liburan akhir semester memang cukup panjang. Meskipun begitu, aku juga harus melakukan berbagai aktivitas agar liburan tidak terasa membosankan. Tapi pada akhirnya rasa bosan pada libur hilang dan
GAL (Galau Akhir Liburan) akan mendatangi kebanyakan orang. Pada saat liburan ini aku akan melakukan berbagai macam hal seperti pergi ke berbagai macam tempat atau melakukan sesuatu yang menarik di rumah.

Selamat libur semuanya :D

Rabu, 14 November 2012

Hari Kejepit Nasional

Cerita sedikit ya. Tadi pagi  seluruh kelas 8 SMPN 2 Semarang termasuk aku, disuruh pergi ke lapangan Sidodadi. Lapangan itu lokasinya hanya beberapa ratus meter dari sekolah. Disana ada semacam motivasi Bela Negara, disisipi promo Aktivasi Otak Tengah. Yang jadi masalah, karena lokasi di tengah lapangan terbuka, suasana jadi terasa panas dan suara pembicara kurang jelas :P Akhirnya peserta berteduh di pinggir lapangan. Acara motivasi itu nyaris nggak ada yg nonton.

Seharian ini pelajarannya hanya bahasa Inggris karena jam pelajaran lain tidak ada guru. Guruku oh guruku....kemana aja sih ??? Setelah seharian bengong dan sepi, kebanyakan anak main laptop sendiri, akhirnya ada kabar gembira juga. Jam 11-an ada pengumuman Kamis dan Jumat libur :D. Cuma Sabtunya masuk, upacaraaaaaa lagi, kan tg 17. Yah begitulah harpitnas >.<

Tapi untungnya hari Sabtu tidak terlalu padat. Biasa saja pelajarannya. Cuma mungkin pulang telat gara-gara upacara. Liburnya cukup pendek tapi lumayan sih. Sekalian santai sebentar sebelum UAS.

Senin, 12 November 2012

Banyubiru sudah seminggu

Homestay kelas 8 SMPN 2 Semarang di Banyubiru ternyata sudah lewat satu minggu. Pada hari pertama, kegiatan utama yaitu orientasi dan membuat telur asin. Pada saat itu membuatnya sama-sama. Jadi wajar kalau sempit-sempitan dan ada telur pecah >.< . Tapi sih telur asinnya juga sudah selesai dibuat+ packing di besek. Kegiatannya pada saat itu seru sekali :D

Telur Asin Setelah Dicuci

Telur Asin Dicuci
Batu Bata Ditumbuk

Telur Asin Dicelup Larutan